Free Public Lecture: Making Mindfulness Stick with Kids and Teens

Friday, Feb 22, 2019 at 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM PST

4069 Spokane Lane, Seattle, Washington, 98105, United States

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Friday, Feb 22, 2019 at 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM PST

Kane Hall at University of Washington, 4069 Spokane Lane, Seattle, Washington, 98105, United States.


Free Public Lecture

Dr. Christopher Willard, PsyD.

Making Mindfulness Stick for Kids and Teens


Join author, psychologist and consultant Dr. Christopher Willard for a talk on managing the stresses of the modern world with mindfulness with kids, families, and schools. He will discuss tailoring techniques to a range of issues, including learning differences, medical concerns, and mental health issues,  and ways to integrate mindfulness into family life, academics, athletics, and the arts.


Join us at the free public lecture for an overview of the topic, dive deeper and build skills at the half-day workshop for parents and professionals.


About the presenter: 

Dr. Christopher Willard (PsyD) is a psychologist and educational consultant based in Boston specializing in mindfulness.  He has been practicing meditation for 20 years and leads workshops nationally and internationally. He currently serves on the board of directors at the Institute for Meditation and 
Psychotherapy, and is the president of the Mindfulness in Education Network. He has presented at TEDx conferences and his thoughts have appeared in the New York Times, The Washington Post,, and elsewhere. He is the author of Child’s Mind (2010) Growing Up Mindful (2016) Raising Resilience (2017) and three other books. He has three children's books forthcoming and teaches at Harvard Medical School.


Help Support Center for Child & Family Well-Being!

There is no cost for registration for this event. However, your donation ($20 suggested) will allow CCFW to continue to offer these valuable events as an accessible resource to the community. To help support us, you may donate anytime through the University of Washington Giving Page at

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The personal information you submit to the Center for Child & Family Well-Being will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, at any time without your authorization.


Contact Information

Marcellina DesChamps

Associate Director of Programs

Center for Child & Family Well-Being

Office: 206.221.8508




Cancellation policy

If you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation so your spot may be made available to someone else.

University of Washington Center for Child & Family Well-being

The Center for Child and Family Well-being promotes positive development for children and families by translating research for practical application.We share knowledge through education, professional training and outreach to the community.

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